Drawing of Tristan Pollock’s net worth
Net worth on the Internet is such a funny thing. Should it be measured by pure wealth? Should it be a combination of money and happiness? That may depend on what your ideals are or where you grew up. The good ole USA might be more focused on capitalism whereas a Buddhist-centric country may be considering the holistic viewpoint. Financial freedom is surely great to have, but that isn’t the only true value of someone’s life and impact. In fact, that’s why so many billionaires have committed to The Giving Pledge in order to give the majority of their wealth away to social and environmental causes before they die. If I ever reach that level of wealth I would surely do the same. I hope you would, too. And even before reaching that level of wealth, there are lots of things you can do. For example, change your electricity bill to fully renewable energy like wind or solar. Or offset your carbon emissions on a site like Wren. Or just make a goal to be an effective altruist every year and support the causes you believe in. There are lots of ways to help humanity and our Earth. I hope you find the ones that mean the most to you. So what is net worth? Maybe it’s your net worth to society more than anything else…